Our roots, our life, our vision.
As Denesuline people, we have a deep-rooted relationship with the land. We value Mother Earth and the ways in which all plants, animals and human beings are intertwined. We are signatories to Treaty 10 and our leadership and community band members work to preserve Traditional Knowledge and uphold the Rights and Title of our ancestral Lands. Our Nation is rich in the Denesuline language and lifestyle that includes fishing, hunting and trapping. Our strength is our people. We have 800 community members living on the Nation and another 700 in other communities. We belong to the Meadow Lake Tribal Council.
Our ancestors lived among an abundance of lakes, rivers and creeks with large birch, poplar, jack pine, white and black spruce, tamaracks and cedar trees. Traditionally hunters, trappers and fishers, we traveled trails by dog team and foot that linked Buffalo River and Cold Lake. Along these paths we camped, paid homage to important burial sites and shared stories, filling the air with words of Denesuline, also known as Chipewyan.

Trails identified by Elders Pre 1953 use.
The Buffalo River Dene Nation was formally known as the Clear Lake Band, located in the boreal forest and surrounded by freshwater rivers and Big Buffalo Lake (Peter Pond Lake). On the 26th of August 1906, Commissioner James McKenna arrived in Ile-a-La-Crosse, Saskatchewan, where he was met by all members of the English River Dene Nation and ten families from the Clear Lake Band to discuss a Treaty. The Clear Lake Dene Band’s Chief Bedshidekkg, entered Treaty 10 on behalf of the Clear Lake Band in Ile a la Crosse, Saskatchewan on August 28, 1906.
We work every day for the health, rights and prosperity of our Lands and community. While we continue to support traditional ways of living, we are committed to pursuing opportunities to increase the wealth and self-determination of our Nation through increased access to housing, education and new avenues for economic development.